
Sectia 18 Politie Bucuresti

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EXMISA Forum - Misa Yoga, Misa Romania si Gregorian Bivolaru Misa:: View topic - MISA extensions - Uite MISA, nu e MISA EXMISA Forum - Misa Yoga, Misa Romania si Gregorian Bivolaru Misa MISA extensions - Uite MISA, nu e MISA Page 8 of 14 Author: radar Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:38 pm Post subject: Re: MISA extensions - Uite MISA, nu e MISA DEVAS Trupa destul de proaspat fondata de trei cursanti MISA: Cristian Serbanescu si Ionut Catarama din Cluj, iar Dragos Cucos din Brasov. (+39) 3391 865 064 url=mailto:giulia@objectiveart.netgiulia@objectiveart.net/url url=mailto:konrad@objectiveart.netkonrad@objectiveart.net/url Konrad s-ar putea sa fie Lukas Konrad Swenninger, cursant la NATHA si (Organizatia misana care a prezentat cateva rapoarte intru apararea MISA la OSCE in 2007 si 2008). Lukas Swenninger a fost implicat in realizarea filmului (ca editor final cut) alaturi de alti misani din intreaga lume. De asemenea tot el l-a amenintat voalat pe ziaristul Emil Berdeli cand acesta a publicat o serie de articole despre Mihaela Mihaescu, actrita in varianta romaneasaca sa Sex and the city, cursanta MISA, care a jucat in filmul Ecstasy Water, si membra a teamului Soteria International.

Mihaela positbil sa fie chiar Mihaela Mihaescu. Author: radar Sun Aug 07, 2011 2:44 pm Post subject: Re: MISA extensions - Uite MISA, nu e MISA SC Noroc Deplin SRL Firma SC Noroc Deplin SRL a fost inregistrata in ianuarie 2003 de catre Romanov Andreea Ioana. Societatea Comerciala NOROC DEPLIN — S.R.L., Bucuresti ACT ADITIONAL la actul constitutiv al Societatii Comerciale NOROC DEPLIN — S.R.L., Inmatriculata cu nr. J 40/196/2003 Subsemnata Romanov Andreea Ioana, cetatean roman, nascuta la data de in Bucuresti, domiciliata in Bucuresti, str. Targu Neamt nr. 81, sectorul 6, posesoare a C.I. 860308, eliberata de Sectia 24 Politie la data de, cod numeric personal 035, in calitate de asociat unic al Societatii Comerciale NOROC DEPLIN — S.R.L., cu sediul in Bucuresti, str.

Stirbei Voda nr. A, parter, ap. 10, sectorul 1, inregistrata la Oficiul nat̨ional al registrului comertului cu nr. J 40/196/2003, am hotarat urmatoarele. Se completeaza obiectul de activitate cu: 1.

5540–baruri; 9304 – activitati de intretinere corporala; 9234 – alte activitati de spectacole neclasificate in alta parte. Se radiaza din obiectul de activitate urmatoarea activitate: 9233 – alte activitati de spectacole. Se schimba hotararea cu decizia asociatului unic. Celelalte prevederei ale actului constitutiv raman neschimbate. Redactat astazi,.

(15/611.350) In textele urmatoare am bolduit si colorat in rosu informatiile care demonstreaza faptul ca Ana Gabriela Ambarus (Grace - dupa cum a fost 'botezata' de Gregorian Bivolaru). Presedinte al MISA, a fost implicata direct, ca administrator in Firma SC Noroc Deplin SRL: Extras din Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei Nr. 1085 – 14 aprilie 2004. Subsemnatii Romanov Andreea Ioana, cetatean roman, nascut„ la data de in Bucuresti, domiciliat„ in Bucuresti, str.

Targu Neamt nr. 81, sectorul 6, posesoare a C.I.

255252, eliberat„ de Sectia 22 Polit̨ie la data de, cod numeric personal 035, si Ambarus Ana-Gabriela, cetatean roman, necasatorita, nascuta la data de 7.02.1966 in Bacau, judetul Bacau, domiciliata in Bucuresti, str. Turturica, nr. 1, sectorul 5, posesoare a C.I. 124931, eliberat„ de Sectia 18 Politie la data de, cod numeric personal 058, in calitate de de asociati ai Societatii Comerciale NOROC DEPLIN — S.R.L., cu sediul in Bucuresti, str. Stirbei Voda, nr. A, parter, ap. 10, sectorul 1, inmatriculat„ la Oficiul registrului comertului de pe langa Tribunalul Bucure∫ti cu nr.

J 40/196/2003, am hotarat urmatoarele: 1. Romanov Andreea Ioana cedeaza lui Ambarus Ana-Gabriela 18 parti sociale a 100.000 lei fiecare, in valoare totala de 1.800.000 lei, reprezentand 90% din valoarea capitalului social, aport in numerar. Ambarus Ana-Gabriela primeste de la Romanov Andreea Ioana 18 parti sociale a 100.000 lei fiecare, in valoare total„ de 1.800.000 lei, pe care aceasta le detine la Societatea Comerciala NOROC DEPLIN — S.R.L.

Distribuirea capitalului social, ca urmare a cesiunii, este urmatoarea: – Romanov Andreea Ioana detine doua parti sociale a 100.000 lei fiecare, in valoare totala de 200.000 lei, cu participare la beneficii si pierderi de 10%;– Ambarus Ana-Gabriela detine 18 parti sociale a 100.000 lei fiecare, in valoare totala de 1.800.000 lei, cu participare la beneficii si pierderi de 90%. Se revoca din functia de administrator Romanov Andreea Ioana si se numeste administrator Ambarus Ana-Gabriela. Se schimba decizia asociatului unic in hotararea adunarii generale a asociatilor si asociatul unic in asociati. Alte hotarari nu s-au luat. Celelalte prevederi ale actului constitutiv ramn neschimbate. Redactat astazi,.

(23/212.041) Extras din Monitorul oficial al Romaniei Nr. 2291 – 2 august 2004. Subsemnatii Romanov Andreea Ioana, cetatea roman, necasatorita, nascuta la data de in Bucuresti, cu domiciliul in Bucuresti, str. Targu Neamt nr. 81, sectorul 6, posesoare a C.I.

255252, eliberata de Sectia 22 Politie la data de, cod numeric personal 035, si Macalet Daniela-Elena, cetatean roman, necasatorita, nascuta la data de 7.06.1978 in Bucuresti, sectorul 7, cu domiciliul in Bucuresti, str. Stana de Vale, nr. 7, sectorul 5, posesoare a C.I. 369694, eliberata de Sectia 18 Politie la data de, cod numeric personal 057, in calitate de asociati ai Societatii Comerciale NOROC DEPLIN — S.R.L., cu sediul in Bucuresti, str. Stirbei Voda, nr. A, parter, ap.

10, inmatriculata la Oficiul registrului comertului cu nr. J 40/196/2003, am hotarat in urmatoarele conditii: 1. Ambarus Ana-Gabriela cedeaza lui Macalet Daniela-Elena 18 parti sociale a 100.000 lei fiecare, in valoare total„ de 1.800.000 lei, reprezentand 90% din valoarea capitalului social, aport in numerar. Macalet Daniela-Elena primeste de la Ambarus Ana-Gabriela 18 parti sociale in valoare nominala de 100.000 lei, insumand 1.800.000 lei, pe care le detine in Societatea Comerciala NOROC DEPLIN — S.R.L. Distribuirea capitalului social in urma cesiunii: – Romanov Andreea Ioana detine 2 parti sociale a 100.000 lei fiecare, in valoare totala de 200.000 lei, cu participare la beneficii si pierderi de 10%;– Macalet Daniela-Elena detine 18 par ti sociale a 100.000 lei fiecare, in valoare totala de 1.800.000 lei, cu participare la beneficii si pierderi de 90%. Se revoca din functia de administrator Ambarus Ana-Gabriela si se numeste administrator Macalet Daniela-Elena.

Se completeaza obiectul de activitate astfel: cod CAEN 5552 – alte unitati de preparare a hranei; cod CAEN 9234 – alte activitati de spectacole; cod CAEN 5221 – comert cu amanuntul cu fructe si legume proaspete. Alte hotarari nu am luat. Celelalte prevederi ale actului constitutiv au ramas neschimbate.

(23/234.961) Extras din Monitorul oficial al Romaniei Nr. 3135 - 4 octombrie 2006. Asociatilor Societatii Comerciale NOROC DEPLIN – S.R.L.

Subsemnatii - Romanov Andreea Ioana, cetatean roman cu domiciliul in Bucuresti str. T‚rgu Neamt nr. 81, sectorul 6, identificat„ cu C.I. 255252, eliberata de Sectia 22 Politie la data de, codul numeric personal 035, si - Macalet Daniela Elena, cetatean roman, cu domiciliul in Bucuresti, str. Stina de Vale nr. 7, sectorul 5, identificata cu C.I. 369694, eliberata de Sectia 18 Politie la data de, codul numeric personal 057, in calitate de asociati ai Societatii Comerciale NOROC DEPLIN - S.R.L., cu codul unic de inregistrare 15120560, atribut fiscal R, cu numarul de ordine in registrul comertului J 40/196/2003, cu sediul social in Bucuresti, str.

Stirbei Voda nr. 1, parter, ap. 10, sectorul 1, intruniti in adunare generala azi, hotaram: - completarea obiectului de activitate al societatii cu alte activitati de servicii prestate in principal intreprinderilor - cod CAEN 7487, si, de asemenea, completarea activitatii cu cod CAEN 7450 - selectia si plasarea fortei de munca - deschiderea unui punct de lucru in Bucuresti, str. Stirbei Voda nr. 2, sectorul 1, unde se vor desfasura activitati de intretinere corporala - cod CAEN 9304, in baza contractului de inchiriere din data de; - prelungirea duratei sediului social societatii din Bucuresti, str.

Stirbei Voda nr. 1, parter, ap.

10, sectorul 1. Alte hotarari nu am luat. Celelalte prevederi ale actului constitutiv raman neschimbate. (43/373.817) Extras din Monitorul oficial al Romaniei Nr. 994 – 25 martie 2011. Courses General Course Information This yoga course is unique in its new and integral approach to the teachings of the traditional yoga system.

Throughout the course you will be taught extensively about. Hatha Yoga. Tantra Yoga. Kundalini Yoga. Laya Yoga.

Maha Vidya Yoga You will receive thorough theoretical explanations of the fundamental principles of yoga including the laws of. resonance. correspondence (holographic principle). polarity.

sexual continence & biological transmutation With each class you will receive detailed printed material covering all the practical and theoretical elements. You will be supported at every level of your practise, and shown how to integrate what you have learned into your daily life, leading to improvements in every aspect, and ultimately to a greater level of happiness. About the class Whether you are a beginner or have practiced yoga before, at this class you will be able to enjoy two/three hours of traditional yoga as practiced by yogis of the ancient past and as described in the major yogic treaties (i.e.

Sectie Politie 18 Bucuresti

Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga sutras of Patanjali). For every yoga exercise you will be given direct guidance and extensive theoretical background. You are welcome to ask questions and seek clarification at any point during the class. What you need It is advisable to bring a matt or blanket, which you will use to practice on. The most suitable clothing for yoga practice is something light and preferably made of natural materials. Generally any clothing suitable for sports type activities can be used for the yoga class also.

Also you may find it useful to have a pad for taking notes and a folder in which to store the handouts and any other theoretical materials that you are given at the class. Course structure The classes are following an academic type of teachings, structured on years of study. The class lasts two (for beginners) or three hours (for advanced) and takes place once a week. At the end of the first year you will move to the second year (so on) and you will receive new and interesting information with every year of study.

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In this way, the Parent School from Romania reached the 22nd year of yogic study. Spiral Meditation - Soul of Greek Nation July 8, 2011 Friday, 8 th of July, 19:45 – 20.30 Exelixi Center Spiral for entering in communion with the Soul of Greek Nation The meditation starts at 20:00, after this hour you cannot enter in the Spiral form anymore.

Please come in time! After the Spiral Meditation will be projected a very special spiritual movie.

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This meditation done in a spiral form helps the Greek Soul to awaken and to become more unite and free. The ones who will participate in this meditation can easily attract in their aura qualities of the ancient hellenic heros, like: courage, honor, purity, intuition, the state of Vira, dignity, aspiration towards everything that is good, truthfull and divine. Meditation in the Spiral form has a very powerful energetic effect. About us Athens Atman Association has been created to share a method that is based on the tradition of yoga and reveals the laws of the real spiritual science, having immediate practical applications.

We are aware that our times are very challenging for everybody. The materialist culture and education created a lack of horizon in many people’s lives. And even if most of them feel that they are much more than the physical body, it is still hard for them to find a way of revealing the hidden spiritual parts of their being. The method revealed by our school has been applied with great results by tens of thousands of people all over the world.

Being scientific and practical, it is easy to approach by the people of our modern world. Being also founded in the deepest spiritual tradition of our planet, this method leads to a profound spiritual transformation of the one who perseveres enough. We do not mistaken yoga for a “keep fit” method.

Yoga is an accurate science of personal development and it has the power to transform every single aspect of your life in a positive way. Because the yoga techniques are natural, appropriate for our structure, logical and very effective, they can be practiced by everybody, irrespective of age, believes, religion, convictions, social status or physical health. You will have the understanding that life is much more than a sum of coincidences. And that you are the master of your destiny. The Teaching: Continuous transformation The teachings in Athens Atman Association follow the traditional and complete way of working with spirituality and spiritual transformation, with emphasis on the true and authentic value of yoga, tantra and meditation. We do this because we believe that the traditional teachings, when applied with wisdom and heart, can be a tool for continuous transformation in our contemporary times. A transformation that is needed for us all.

Sectia 17 Politie Sector 5

Transformation is our substitute for the concept of change. Today everybody is talking about changes. We have already established the concept “living in a time of changes”. But change only means to go from one state to another.

Sectia 18 Politie Bucuresti

You can replace one bad state with another bad state – and then: what is the meaning in this? Transformation is to go from a non desired, low state – to a desired, higher one. Transformation is when you see the world with new eyes. When you permanently dissolve destructive patterns of your personality. Transformation is growth and development.

Transformation always leads to happiness and freedom. Experience the stream of life The practises of Yoga, Tantra and Meditation will add a new profound dimension to your life.

Discovering your inner spiritual realm means to experience yourself as love and freedom despite any outer circumstance. You will plunge into the stream of life and while your inner life will fertilise and blossom in spirit, you will find new life suddenly fountain from your daily doings. The spiritual teachings of Athens Atman Association do not force the practitioner into caves, negation or solitude.

On the contrary, they encourage you to live the modern life; they are tools perfectly adapted to the times we live in: times of intensity, continuous changes and overwhelming challenges. In order for you to be in the stream of life, The Athenian Atman Association offers you support for a spiritual life and inner aliveness. The teaching and practises of Yoga, Tantra and Meditation in Athens Atman Association provides you with a tool for continuous transformation. Our experience with thousands of students shows that after several months of practice most of the people obtain great positive results. We enumerate here only the most common of them:. quitting smoking, coffee, alcohol – this happens in a natural way, with no extra effort. most of the people choose to adopt a vegetarian diet.

Due to purification that occurs through yoga practice, they feel easily that meat is unhealthy and simply decide to quit eating it. Our Parent School MISA The Movement for Spiritual Integration in the Absolute has its headquarters in Romania and is widely recognized as the largest yoga school of Europe, having thousands of students all over the world, including Europe, India, America, Australia. Starting with 1990 the M.I.S.A. Yoga school opened yoga courses in over 250 localities in Romania and other 16 countries.

The movement leadership evaluates that about 35000 students followed so far the yoga courses conducted by M.I.S.A. The instructors conducting these classes are selected based on some both theoretical and practical examinations and have a special training. The Movement for Spiritual Integration in Absolute (M.I.S.A.) has been founded as a non profit association and it has a philosophical and educative character, aiming to increase the spiritual level of people by spreading the yoga knowledge and practices. The spiritual mentor of MISA is the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru. Endowed with a truthfully encyclopaedic knowledge, having a rich practical experience and genuine pedagogical talent, Gregorian Bivolaru contrived to found what we today name M.I.S.A. Yoga School, the largest yoga school in Europe.

For understanding the context of M.I.S.A. Setting up and the development, we have to point out that Romania is the only country in the world where the practice of yoga has been ever forbidden. Something like this has never happened anywhere else on earth. Yoga was illegal in Romania until December 1989, the time of Romanian “revolution”.

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After revolution Gregorian Bivolaru, together with a group of yogi friends, founded M.I.S.A. The first yoga conferences and courses conducted in January 1990 had a tremendous success. Thousands of people then registered to the yoga classes in several main cities in Romania. In the following years yoga classes have been opened in more and more cities throughout Romania and abroad. Is member of International Yoga Federation, European Yoga Alliance, and a founder member of ATMAN - The International Federation For Yoga and Meditation.

MISA was also the host of the First European Yoga Congress in 2006. This is an additional recognition of the exceptional quality of the yoga classes offered by this school.