
Infinite Stratos Season 2

Infinite Stratos Season 2 Rating: 3,5/5 8151 votes
  1. Infinite Stratos Season 2 Ova

About Infinite Stratos 2 Premium Edition Blu-ray Box Set Infinite Stratos 2 Premium Edition contains anime episodes 1-13 of season 2 plus a chipboard box, translation insert, booklet, plus Infinite Wedding Picture Drama, One Summer's Memories, World Purge-hen OVA. There are probably worse things that could have happened to Ichika Orimura than being the only guy in a training academy filled with military hardware and several battalions of highly competitive and extremely boy-crazed teenage girls.

Infinite stratos season 2 ep 5

And being caught in a five-girl crossfire between his obsessive childhood friends Lingyin and Houki and the even more zealous British, German and French pilots Cecillia, Laura and Charlotte, at least turned out to be survivable. But surely, Ichika's finally put all his female troubles behind him, right? Oh don't be ridiculous. None of the femmes fatales in his life have canceled their conquest scenarios; there's double trouble arriving in the form of the Sarashiki sisters; the rest of the school is still waiting in line to take their shot; and when a whole new set of female pilots working for the bad guys shows up with a new generation of stolen IS hardware, things are about to get utterly lethal! The mayhem continues, the mecha runs amok, the hormones run wild and the maiden's behavior becomes even less maidenly as Ichika gets schooled for a second spectacular semester in INFINITE STRATOS 2! Special Features: Clean Opening Animation.

I've enjoyed this show from the beginning. It's more of the same from the first season + a few new characters one of which I felt really added to the show but I will not name as not to spoil. Animation and fight scenes are great.

Infinite Stratos Season 2 Ova

Harem thing at highs but with some side action going on. Now the packaging and everything is a lot more than I expected.

The deal is about the size of a book since it actually holds a medium sized art book that is gorgeous. If this is the new norm for the premium or special editions out of sentai then I got to give them credit because they are actually making the price worth it.

Plus if you order through rightstuf you can always wait around for a better deal. I have been waiting as patiently as I can for the Blue ray release of this season for a while now. I was not expecting a Premium Edition so I was even more excited when I saw it was getting one. Only complaint would be the price and how tall the box really is that said I think it is worth the purchase. Great box art I mean it is beautiful to look at.

The anime case is nice looking to it is one of those fold out has a picture on the back and comes with a plastic slip cover. The art book is amazing that has pictures from season 1 and 2. Lastly the anime has the extended 1 episode and the ova World purge witch is Dubbed I was so happy it was.:). When it comes to Sentai Film works anime collection, if there is a collector's edition I may dish out more woolongs for a different package, possible soundtrack on cd and a nice grainy feeling box holding art cards and 2-4 disc cases. Usually a decently big item, so Infinite Stratus 2 does come in decently big but the premium box does feel premium.

The box is big and feels sleek like holding any box containing an Apple product. Inside of separate disc cases, its rolled up into a nice fold out case showcasing the characters in eye popping art against a white backdrop. The reason this set is big is the art book is 11 inches tall and contains exclusive art work and better yet concepts of all the girls in bride gown including my favorites girl Katana.


I was waiting for this item to go on sale and I wasnt disappointed in fact blew my expectations away. Overpriced for what it is. Oversized box is annoying to fit on a shelf. 2 BD 25s, means avg bitrate of 20-25 mbps.

Looks fine, but still not happy spending this much money and still not getting same video rates as Japanese release. Add on that the show is simply OK, and the overpriced box, with middling video bitrates, sets up disappointment. If you LOVE the show, you'll love this release.

If you just like the series, you'll likely be disappointed. Nice to get the extras included and the bonus book.

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